Love for Logan is an inspirational story based on actual events. A young girl learns to better understand why day to day life can be challenging for her older sister. While sharing a special night, the story embraces how one girl's love for her sister empowers her to overcome one of life's obstacles.
"The Sisters Who Inspired These Stories."

Leah's Voice is a fictional story inspired by two sisters. It touches on the difficulties children encounter when they meet a child with special needs such as autism. Siblings may find it difficult to explain to their friends, or feel disappointed when their friends aren't more understanding. Leah's Voice tells the story of two sisters facing these challenges. Through her kindness and devotion, one sister teaches by example the importance of including everyone and showing acceptance.
2014 Temple Grandin Outstanding Literary Work of the Year Award recipient

"There needs to be a lot more emphasis on what a child can do instead of what he cannot do."
- Dr. Temple Grandin